The sequence of historical events clearly shows the importance of the music. Over time, a variety of musical styles and aesthetic forms emerged, and musicology developed.
People and societies are shaped by music. It plays an important role in a number of areas of life. There was the certainty that it can be ruled by the forces of nature and the otherworldly sphere.
Every year the music becomes more diverse and accessible. Whereas in the past it was only possible to hear musical compositions in live performances or on not widely used sound carriers. Today, thanks to the rapid dynamics of scientific and technical development, we have almost unlimited possibilities to discover and hear what we want.
This contributes to the high reliability of the system. This is a particularly important problem for the army. The importance of music in the army cannot be overestimated.
In addition to educating, programming and creating a sense of submission and strict norms of discipline and submission in the representatives of the army collective, it is imperative to keep the morale of the soldiers at a high level.
The individual needs music and the ability to listen, play and sing. In the past as well as today, marching songs were sung and choirs and musical ensembles were formed in the army. The song is a very effective technique for strengthening the cohesion of the military.
Music has been a huge part of our lives for many years
Music has been a huge part of our lives for many years